Making Your Home Accessible For A Child With A Wheelchair

Posted on: 5 August 2016

Caring for a disabled child presents many challenges, but making a few changes to your home can help to make daily living easier for you and your wheelchair-bound young one. Here are a few options you can choose to make your home accessible for your child. Wheelchair-Friendly Bathrooms The bathroom is one space that will likely need several renovations. A roll-in, barrier-free shower can help with daily bathing, as your child can wheel into the shower and transfer to a shower seat.
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Beyond Food: 3 Items To Donate To Women's Homeless Shelters

Posted on: 22 July 2016

If you are looking for a way to make a difference in your community, you might be thinking about donating to a local women's homeless shelter. So many women take to these shelters after being stuck in domestic violence relationships and other bad situations, and having a place to go can be life-changing. However, these shelters can be costly to run, and many of them rely on the donations of good-hearted people in the community to help these women.
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What Every Struggling Addict Should Know About Recovery

Posted on: 5 June 2016

Despite the common belief that drug addiction is a sign of character weakness, the truth is that character has little to do with most instances of addiction. Many of the people who find themselves becoming habitual users end up doing so due to a mental illness, significantly traumatic experience or chemical imbalance that leads to addiction. As it turns out, most people who end up facing addiction and drug abuse are good people who are simply struggling to battle an illness.
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Tips For Writing A Resume For IT Work

Posted on: 4 May 2016

If you are trying to get a job in the field of Information Technology, or IT, then you are going to need to make sure that you have a resume that shows potential employers exactly what you are capable of and what you will be able to provide for your company. Here are some tips. 1. Include Specific Technologies With Your Previous Industry Experience Your first step is to make sure that you include the specific technologies that you are familiar with, including operating systems, server classes, and other technologies, in with your industry experience.
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